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Welcome to our homepage!

We're a community of young programmers who want to make software free and available for everyone. We make fun Games, nice Animations, and tools for every imaginable problem. But the main reason why we code is the same motivation that the first programmers had: coding for fun, not for money.

Scroll down to learn more!

bitrun logo


Fight enemies, jump over electric floors, dodge blades... oh, and by the way, save the world.

Play now Play on Scratch Watch trailer

Space Chaos

Fly through space, eating rainbow tacos and dodging asteroids. It also has UFOs and a Nyan cat!

Play now Watch trailer
Space Chaos logo


We are nothing without our community. Here are our most active members!

  1. windows
  2. Sevice
  3. beaneater69420
  4. 3Dev
  5. programORdie


Get more done in less time on any device. For free.

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⚽ Are you a football fan? Then check out our small clicker about Ronaldo! Play now 🐍 Are you looking at this site with a friend and you're both snake fans? Snake 4 2 is what you need! Play now
STE Hackathon winner


It's just a cookie - what could go wrong?

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C.O.O.K.I.E.S. logo

Ready for adventure?

Remember, these are just the highlights. There's more!